Jan 10, 2022Liked by bowtiedgargoyle.eth

I found your article very helpful. Beautifully articulated. I have a really important question that I can’t seem to get answered. There are rumors out that pulseX sacrificers will have the opportunity to swap pulseX (at a currently unknown exchange rate) 24-48 hours prior to pulsechain launch. Is this true? Any information you have on this would be greatly appreciated

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by bowtiedgargoyle.eth

Awesome article! The only thing not 100% clear (in your example) is the resulting balances of the pair in the PulseX pool. I'm guessing on one side it'll be the 107,315,171 pUSDT extracted, and on the PLS side it'll just get some kind of matching amount?

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I currently own 0 hex, plan on buying a good amount and setting up staking ladders, in your opinion, should I wait and stake on the PLS network? also the hex prices across the boards will be very different correct, if you had hex on the pls network (pHex) I assume it will be called, and you wanted to sell out and it was worth far more on the Eth network, I would have to pay swap fees back to the eth network to sell it there? or does the bot make sure prices stay the same/equal on both chains constantly for no need to swap back?

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Another question: Do the original Liquidity Providers retain ownership of the shares of the PulseX Liquidity pools. e.g. Will they get PulseX LP tokens corresponding to their Uniswap LP tokens?

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